

Placement office is the nodal point of contact for companies seeking to establish a fruitful relationship with NIPER Hyderabad. Right from contacting companies to managing all logistics of arranging for tests, pre-placement talks and conducting final interviews the placements team provides it's best possible assistance to the recruiters.

Placements Officer

Dr. G. Chandraiah

Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences

Email - chandra.niperhyd@gov.in
Email – placements.niperhyd@gov.in / niperhplacement@gmail.com
Phone : +91 40 23074750 (Ext. No: 2021)
Phone : +91-40-23073740 / 41
Fax : +91-40-23073751

Institute Placement Committee

  1. Dr. Chandraiah Godugu

    Chair, Institute Placement Cell

  2. Dr. Ravi Kumar

    Co-Chair, Institute Placement Cell

  3. Dr. Deepika Chilkuri

    Member, Institute Placement Cell